The Official Dictionary for Internet, Computer, ERP, CRM, UX, Analytics, Big Data, Customer Experience, Call Center, Digital Marketing and Telecommunication: … Digital World (CX Trilogy)

A famous Information Techonology´s phrase said: … the computing created soluctions for problem its own computing created.
Once thing is true. Day by day new vocabulary is brought for business´world by Marketers, CIO, Programmers, so son..
I created this Official Dictionary to keep you updated to be able to build bridge among corporation´s teams.
Let´s cross it..
Peter Druck said: don´t fight against Marketing. You will lose.
With that in mind, I am preparing you to talk the same language to get the best result for your career and business.

I presented clear definition for this new vocabulary for a new digital world. It covers the following areas:
UX (User experience) & Usability
Business Intelligence
Data Warehouse
Big Data
Customer Experience
Call Center & Customer service
Digital Marketing
and in the Third edition (Mar/2019) I added terms for Telecommunication

This book is part of the CRM and Customer Experience Trilogy called CX Trilogy which aims to unite the worldwide community of CX, Customer Service, Data Science and CRM professionals. I believe that this union would facilitate the contracting of our sector and profession, as well as identifying the best professionals in the market. The CX Trilogy consists of 3 books and one Dictionary:

1st) 30 Advice from 30 greatest professionals in CRM and customer service in the world

2nd) The Book of all Methodologies and Tools to Improve and Profit from Customer Experience and Service

3rd) Data Science and Business Intelligence – Advice from reputable Data Scientists around the world

and plus, the book: The Official Dictionary for Internet, Computer, ERP, CRM, UX, Analytics, Big Data, Customer Experience, Call Center, Digital Marketing and Telecommunication: The Vocabulary of One New Digital World